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Exposing Communist Infiltration of the Church: Eric Metaxas | Facts Matter

Eric Metaxas is an author, speaker, and radio host, as well as the host of the nationally syndicated Eric Metaxas Show. He has also published well over a dozen books. Among his published works, is ‘Letter to the American Church’, a book which was recently turned into a film. In today’s episode, I saw down with Eric, to get a better understanding of his message, about the parallels between the American church today and German Churches in the 1930s, as well as why staying silent isn’t an option.

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Jack Smith Demands Twitter Info on All Americans Who Interacted With Trump | Facts Matter

Jack Smith Demands Twitter Info on All Americans Who Interacted With Trump

According to a heavily redacted search warrant and other documents released earlier this week, Special Counsel Jack Smith demanded information on Twitter users who liked or retweeted President Trump’s tweets leading up to January 6th.

Twitter ultimately complied.

This means that if you interacted with President Trump’s Twitter account before he got kicked off — well, your name is literally on a list.

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