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HPV Vaccine: Is It Even Worth It?

California just passed a health bill that aims to increase vaccination rates in schools and colleges against a sexually transmitted virus.

Lawmakers believe vaccination against HPV, or the human papillomavirus, will help reduce the risk of rare cancers five to 20 years down the line. But many parents are calling the bill deceptive. Testimonies during the hearing have questioned both the efficacy and safety of the HPV vaccines


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“If 100,000 People are vaccinated with the HPV vaccine, at best, eight cases of cervical cancer might be prevented, but at the same time 2,300 people—2.3 percent—will experience serious adverse events,” Joshua Coleman, a father of a vaccine-injured child, testified during the bill’s hearing in front of California’s Committee on Health on April 18, 2023.

Coleman presented an insert from Merck’s Gardasil 9 vaccine, which is the only HPV vaccine available in the United States. The insert lists the risks associated with the vaccine and notes that 2.3 percent of the participants in its clinical studies experienced a serious adverse event (SAE). The FDA defines an SAE as an event that causes death, threatens life, results in hospitalization, or intensive treatment, or disrupts the ability to live a normal life.

In contrast, Dr. Jeffery Klausner, professor of medicine and infections disease at University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, stressed during the hearing that Gardasil 9 “has proven to be very safe, and highly effective.”

“Further studies have shown that HPV cancer vaccination clearly prevented cancer and 88% reduction at the population level in Sweden,” said Klausner.

The Epoch Times has reviewed some of these studies and we have found that several authors have been receiving HPV vaccine research grants from Merck, the manufacturer of the Gardasil 9 vaccine.

Assembly Bill 659, or the Cancer Prevention Act, started out as a mandate that would require all Californian girls and boys to get vaccinated against HPV before entering grade eight. The backlash against this version of the bill from parents was strong. In particular, parents with children who were injured by Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine or other childhood vaccines took to social media and other venues to raise awareness on the risks surrounding vaccination.

After hearing a round of feedback, Assembly Member Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, who is the author of the bill, changed the mandate part to only affect college students. The new version would require students aged 26 or younger, who were enrolling in a higher-education institution for the first time to be fully vaccinated against HPV.

But that was changed again after more pushback from parents. The version of AB 659 that eventually turned into law is not a mandate. But it declares that it is now “the public policy of the state” to expect students to be fully vaccinated against HPV before entering grade 8, as well as the college students that fall in the category mentioned above.

“This bill will help notify and educate Californians at these vital ages when receiving the vaccine is most effective. It will foster a private conversation between doctors, their patients and parents,” said Aguiar-Curry.

Parents and students will now be receiving letters, presumably from the department of public health or their schools, informing them that their children are “expected” to be vaccinated.

The nuance here is that while HPV vaccination is “expected,” it is still not required. But parents who oppose this bill believe this language will trick families into thinking that they have no right to decline the HPV vaccine.

And overall, because the topic of vaccine safety is heavily censored on social media and in legacy news outlets, these parents fear that more children and their families will unknowingly be coerced into taking a product without properly understanding the risks.


Dan Skorbach:

In the past 16 years, one law firm estimates that the federal health department has paid $70 million in compensation to young people that were injured by this vaccine.

So there are risks that come with HPV vaccines. But how about the rest of cancer from the HPV virus?

Well, first lets talk about what is HPV? It stands for the human papillomavirus and you get it through sexual contact. HPV is not just one virus. There’s over 200 of them. And less than one percent of these viruses are associated with HPV cancers (14 strains to be exact).

CA Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry:

Cervical, anal, throat, penile, vaginal and vulvar cancers are caused by this virus and there is no way to know who will develop the cancer or other health problems from HPV.

Dan Skorbach:

But while some strains of HPV will go on to develop into cancer, parents say this virus has nothing to do with a classroom setting where kids come to learn.

And some doctors agree. We spoke with Dr. John Littell, a family physician in Florida and author of “The Hidden Truth: Deception in Women’s Health Care.”

Dr. John Littell:

One of the biggest loads of bull I’ve ever seen as a doctor, [is] when they were able to convince every physician in America, that every child in America, would acquire this sexually transmitted disease.

And not only would they acquire it, but that there would be no way to ever get rid of it. And then they acted as though it was like HIV, or maybe hepatitis B or herpes—the other Hs—I call it “the four H club.”

But HPV is different. It’s a skin virus.

And it’s so simple. Once you educate women who’ve been exposed to it, to just watch and wait for it to disappear, just like any other wart virus on the skin.

To delude America’s parents into believing that the only way to protect their 10, 11 year old boys and girls was to put a jab in their arm, which I have personally seen—talk about destroying fertility [and] put women into premature ovarian failure— that’s not unheard of.

But now this campaign by Merck, to pull a fast one on the medical profession was unfortunately, very successful, because they were able to somehow portray these children as eventually getting cervical cancer, which is a very rare disease.

How Rare is Cervical Cancer?

Dan Skorbach:

So we’ll talk about vaccine injuries in a second. But first, let’s look at the rarity of cervical cancer.

It happens in about 11,000 women per year. That’s according to the CDC.

In 2019, 7.6 women were diagnosed per 100,000. And the death rate from this cancer is 2.2 in 100,000 per year.

Now the average age of women who get diagnosed is between 35-44 to years old.

And to put it into perspective in that same age range, ladies are twice as likely to die in a car accident than from this disease. (5.05 in 100,000)

So relatively this cancer is a rare event. And the U.S. has a screening program that helps detect this cancer early. And because of that, death rates from cervical cancer have actually been declining even before HPV vaccination was introduced.


I’ve said this many times in the mid-90s. In the United States of America, there should be no cervical cancer, because every woman in this country can get a free pap smear.

And so we we should talk about the difference between women who have been at risk for their whole lives [who] are getting HPV—who would never get screened, have never been to a doctor and end up with cervical cancer, versus the young woman who has—I wrote it in my book— when you’re first become sexually active, get the exam with your doctor, make sure you don’t have HPV. And if you don’t, that’s all the information they need.

How Effective is the HPV Vaccine at Preventing Cancer?

Dan Skorbach:

Okay, now let’s go back to the HPV vaccine. Because the real question lies in its effectiveness.

In 2009, 36.7 percent of all American girls aged between 13-17 were fully vaccinated against HPV, according to CDC’s TeenVaxView.

And the incidence of cancer between ages of 15-39 was 6.6 in that year, according to SEER data.

Now in theory, it takes time to realize the benefits of this vaccine. We would expect to see at least at a tiny dent in incidence rates.

But that didn’t happen. Ten years after this cohort was vaccinated, and reaching age 30, this number remained the same as it was in 2009—6.6.

This is real world data folks. Now vaccine clinical trials from Gardasil show a 98 percent effectiveness at preventing HPV infection types that cause cervical cancer.

But preventing infection doesn’t yet correlate with preventing cancer based on real world data.

And that’s because you really have to wait another 12-37 years for the 2009 cohort to age and see if this vaccine would make a difference at the ages that cervical cancer incidence is the highest. That’s between 35 and 60.

Which means, this vaccination program is still a living experiment. We don’t have real world national data to justify that it works. So does it make sense to coerce students into taking Gardasil like they are trying to do in California?

Let’s look at this vaccine’s safety profile.

Biased Clinical Trial Data

Dan Skorbach:

So three years ago, a group of scientists from Denmark conducted a thorough review of HPV vaccine clinical study reports. They looked at Gardasil and another vaccine that’s available in Europe and tried to gauge whether the benefits outweigh the risks.

Together the data came out to over 95,670 participants across 24 different trials.

And what they found was that in 72 percent of the cases, when it came to events of serious harms, these events were incompletely reported. And all 24 clinical study reports contained redactions in the sections that talked about the harms. So the authors have concluded that these trials were biased toward showing the effectiveness of the vaccine and had lower interest in looking into the harms.

Which is already a red flag.

Nervous System Disorders

Dan Skorbach:

But even with the lack of data, these scientists identified an increase in serious nervous system disorders by 49 percent.

One of these was POTS or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. It’s a condition where the patient experiences a rapid heartbeat when they try to stand up from sitting or lying down. This is a dysfunction of the nervous system.

The authors also note that Gardasil 9 had 27 percent more serious harms than the original version that Merck rolled out in 2006. They speculate it could be because Gardasil 9 contains 2.7 times more HPV proteins than the original.

Autoimmune Disorders

Dan Skorbach:

And you know that for example the spike proteins used in the COVID vaccines are toxic to human cells.

What about the virus proteins used in the HPV vaccine?

Well this 2019 study examined the proteins used in HPV and concluded that they overlap with some human proteins.

Meaning that if we develop antibodies to the vaccine’s proteins, that could also train our immune system to attack some of our own cells. And that can lead to a range of autoimmune diseases.

In Denmark, Gardasil has been in the childhood vaccination schedule since 2009. And since then a team of epidemiologists has been tracking adverse events associated with this vaccine using hospital-based health care registries.

By 2017, they looked at data from 3 million women aged 18 to 44. And they found that hashimoto’s disease, celiac disease, lupus, adrenal insufficiency, brain inflammation and spinal cord inflammation, which are all linked to autoimmune diseases, have a statistically significant risk associated with HPV vaccination.

But this gets more interesting.

Long COVID Symptoms

In the capital of Denmark, there is a center for treating HPV vaccine injuries. From 2011 to 2018, they had seen over 845 patients. One autoimmune specialist, Dr. Jesper Mehlsen, has reviewed the patient data and has noted that the most frequent symptoms reported were dizziness, irregular hear beats, cognitive impairment and sleep problems. Which are signs of dysfunction of the nervous system. And the author notes it is very similar to the symptoms of long covid.

He also notes that there is one protein in the HPV vaccine that resembles human autonomic nerve receptors.

So again, this could trigger the person’s autoimmune system to attack the nervous system. Here’s a whole list of human proteins that the HPV proteins overlap with.

What could happen if the immune system attacks these proteins within its own cells?

Authors of the 2019 HPV vaccine study we mentioned earlier, speculate that it could trigger infertility in men, premature ovarian failure in women, increase in breast and ovarian cancer and even lead to neuropsychiatric diseases.

Deceptive Bill

Dan Skorbach:

So coming back to this California bill.

While it’s not a hard mandate, parents who oppose this bill are worried that this type of language will trick families into thinking that their child needs to be vaccinated to remain in school.

Carina Powers:

AB 659 coerces our most underserved and vulnerable families to go against their personal medical decisions in order to comply with perceived requirements.

Dan Skorbach:

And just to clarify here, both female and male students will get the notice. All boys will be expected to be vaccinated against HPV as well. But why target boys with this? How big is the cancer risk for them? Boys don’t have a cervix, they can’t get cervical cancer.

Why are California lawmakers trying to coerce all boys to take this vaccine before reaching grade eight? Dr. Littell broke down for us the pathology of HPV.

Do All Boys Need the HPV Vaccine?

Dr. John Littell:

The HPV—the human papillomavirus—attacks the squamocolumnar junction. It goes to places where you have one type of cell transforming to another.

The most obvious example right now is on the cervix on the woman’s cervix where you know, the baby comes out of the uterus. It transitions from normal skin cells which are called squamous cells to columnar which are glandular cells. Those are what produce secretions.

And so that squamocolumnar junction is—there’s a lot of things happening there. There’s a differentiation of cells all the time—continually doing this—changing from one to the other.

So when you have continued cellular replication, division and differentiation, you have a higher chance of creating a cancer when you put the HPV into the mix. So it’s at those junctions between the one the glandular cells and the skin cells. Well there are other places in the body. We have [them] deep in our throats, where the GI tract, which is mostly columnar, becomes then more skin cells up higher.

And then the anorectal area where the same thing, where the intestinal columnar cells which are glandular, become skin cells at the perianal region. And so what I’m kind of alluding to now is the reason boys—boys don’t have a cervix, boys can’t get cervical cancer. But they have those other two squamocolumnar junctions. So if they’re engaging in sexual relations involving those areas, then yes, they’re at risk. And so, you know, we’re literally vaccinating boys—and ACOG, and the American Academy of Pediatrics wants us to vaccinate every boy as though they’re going to engage in those sexual behaviors, which lead to cancer in those regions.

Dan Skorbach:

If we’re talking about pure data, 1.9 per 100,000 people get anal cancer in the U.S. And yes, homosexual men are at greater risk. But they are a relatively small percent of the population. So it doesn’t make sense to vaccinate every single boy. Especially those who simply won’t engage in these behaviors.

Then here’s another question. Is there another way to protect oneself from infection? Look at this graph.

This is a recent study on HPV unvaccinated men and women. And the real insight here is that the more sexual partners you have the higher the risk of HPV cancer.

The risk also increases when the infection persists for a long time. Which can happen if the immune system is weak or the person is frequently re-infected.

And of course, if you don’t use the oral cavity and the anus for sexual activity, then you’re not going to get HPV cancer in there.

So a young person’s lifestyle and life choices are very important in this health equation.

But as it stands right now, every parent in California will get a letter saying that their kids are expected to be vaccinated with this vaccine by grade eight.

But it’s not clear that it’s not actually mandatory and that parents still have the right to decline.

The problem is that after COVID, the mandate culture will most likely deceive many parents and make them think that their kids need to get this vaccine to be able to attend school.

So please share this video, because you will help more parents be informed and make better decisions.

This is Frontline Health, I’m Dan Skorbach. Stay Healthy America.

This transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity by Anna Varavva.


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