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The Untold Story of a ‘Miracle Drug’

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

For 35 years, ivermectin was hailed as a miracle drug.

It had an incredible impact on millions of people’s lives around the world who suffered from diseases like river blindness, scabies, and elephantiasis, without side effects and at an affordable price. The scientists who discovered it even won a Nobel prize.

Some doctors tried to use it on patients with COVID-19—and the effect was profound.

Not perfect, but in Peru, there was a 14-fold decrease in excess death during the pandemic while Ivermectin was used.

But many governments are not allowing doctors to use this cheap, generic drug to treat COVID-19. And today, we’re going to try to answer: why?

👉 Watch our Cured Series:

Episode 2: UNVAXXED Patient: How I Was Rescued From Hospital Death

Episode 1: Band of Doctors Defy CDC’s Protocols to Save Americans


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Dan Skorbach:

For 35 years, ivermectin was hailed as a miracle drug. It had an incredible impact on millions of people’s lives around the world who suffered from diseases like river blindness, scabies, and elephantiasis. Without side effects and at an affordable price. The scientists who discovered it even won a Nobel prize. Some doctors tried it during COVID, and the effect was profound.

Not perfect, but look what happened in Peru: a 14-fold decrease in excess death during the pandemic. But many governments are not allowing people to use it. And today, we’re going to try to answer: Why?

Welcome to Frontline Health, I’m Dan Skorbach.

Dr. Pierre Kory:

There is a drug that is proving to be a miraculous impact … Mountains of data from many centers of countries throughout the world showing the miraculous effect of ivermectin. It basically obliterates transmission of this virus. If you take it you will not get sick …

Dan Skorbach:

This statement was made by Dr. Pierre Kory at the beginning of 2020.

Dr. Kory and a group of other prominent doctors were among the first to develop an effective way to treat COVID-19 early into the pandemic using a cheap, FDA-approved, generic drug called ivermectin. And this was at a time when the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) advised doctors not to treat COVID patients until the disease got serious.

But these doctors found that in countries where ivermectin was used, death rates dropped dramatically.

This was in clear contrast to the data coming from the U.S. The number of deaths here from COVID was one of the highest.

And when these doctors shared their miraculous results of patients recovering from COVID with this simple medicine, the legacy media stigmatized and accused them of medical misinformation. And this cheap, FDA-approved drug went from being ‘a miracle’ to a dangerous horse dewormer.

Dr. Pierre Kory:

I had a front-row seat to endless pervasive disinformation around ivermectin. And I will tell you, they largely succeeded. In most of the advanced health economies around the world, it’s not recommended.

Dan Skorbach:

So what is it about ivermectin that makes it so controversial? Let’s look at its history.

Ivermectin was discovered in Tokyo by two scientists: Satoshi Omura and William C. Campbell.

Dr. Omura was a golfer, and on one of his golf trips he picked up a sample of soil around here, like any scientist would, on the east coast of the Izu Peninsula. And in this sample of soil was this bacteria. When they took it to the lab, they found it was able to kill roundworms in mice. So they isolated the bacteria’s active compounds, slightly changed its structure, and called this new compound ivermectin.

This new drug was a big deal. And both Dr. Omura and Dr. Campbell won the Nobel Prize for discovering it.

What was so special about ivermectin?

Well, scientists are still puzzled by how exactly it works. But it seems to penetrate the nervous system of parasites. It disables their neurons, and that would basically make the parasite dysfunctional until it dies.

So in 1988, this drug was used in Africa en masse to treat river blindness. This is a very unpleasant disease caused by a worm.

Back in those days, the WHO had reported that because of river blindness, some 270,000 people had lost their eyesight. But thanks to ivermectin, this disease is now on the brink of elimination.

Ivermectin is also instrumental in managing another disease transmitted by parasitic worms. This one is called elephantiasis. People infected with this bug experience swelling that causes their legs to balloon to incredible sizes.

Some 120 million people are infected with this worldwide.

It’s so important in these parts of the world that the World Health Organization recognizes ivermectin as an essential medicine.

In fact, ivermectin was so great at killing off parasites, it was recognized as being second to penicillin in terms of having the greatest impact on human health.

And over the past 30 years, some 3.7 billion doses of Ivermectin were taken by humans.

But the story doesn’t stop there. Ivermectin wasn’t just good at killing parasites. By the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a growing body of evidence that ivermectin could be effective at treating viruses and inflammation. The inflammation part was very important because, in severe cases, COVID can cause dangerous hyperinflammation in the body. And having an anti-inflammatory drug on hand was crucial.

So a good number of doctors and researchers around the world began connecting the dots.

The first study that mentioned ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19 was conducted in Australia in April, 2020. Researchers there injected ivermectin into infected kidney cells of monkeys. And they found that the drug was effective in very high doses.

And a month after that, the government of Peru approved ivermectin to treat COVID-19 for the entire country. After about a year, a nationwide study was conducted. It concluded that ivermectin, in Peru, led to a dramatic drop in excess deaths across a population of 33 million.

Within five months, from August to about December, deaths had a 14-fold decrease.

Then a new president came to power and heavily restricted the use of ivermectin. And guess what happened? The excess death rate went right back up.

So that’s what happened in Peru. Over in Brazil, there was a similar story. An international team of researchers examined 88,000 patient records in this southern city. And their study concluded that Brazilians who regularly used ivermectin as a precautionary measure had a 92 percent lower mortality rate.

One of the authors of this study is a prominent intensive care unit (ICU) lung doctor from the U.S.: Dr. Pierre Kory. We showed you him earlier. Back in the day, Dr. Kory was part of a team of doctors who pioneered the use of ultrasounds in the ICUs across U.S. hospitals. Before that, critically ill patients had to be wheeled to an ultrasound exam. And that wasted a lot of time in a life-and-death situation. Instead, Dr. Kory traveled around the country, teaching doctors how to use ultrasound by the patient’s bedside. That meant doctors could immediately determine what was wrong inside the patient. The guessing game was gone. And more lives were saved. This doctor literally redefined what the standard of care was in the ICUs.

And Dr. Kory is doing the same for treating COVID. He is one of the founders of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). The doctors here are dedicated to advancing COVID-19 treatment using ivermectin as the foundation. And the physicians who use their protocols allege incredible success in the thousands of patients that they treated.

Dr. Benjamin Marble, for example, is an emergency medicine specialist in Florida. He alleges that his team has treated about 150,000 acute COVID-19 patients with treatment that involved ivermectin. Only six of those patients died.

So if you put all of this together, you can see that there’s strong evidence that Ivermectin is effective in the early stage of COVID. It’s effective in the late stage where there’s pneumonia. And it’s even effective in long haulers who continue to experience lingering symptoms after the infection.

And if it really is that effective, why isn’t it being prescribed on a large scale?

Well, like any drug, it must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA. And while ivermectin is on the list of approved drugs, the FDA has not approved it to treat COVID. The reason? Health officials cite a lack of data in favor of ivermectin.

And that’s confusing because we just showed you a lot of data that shows a strong signal that ivermectin is effective in treating COVID.

So why are U.S. health officials not convinced?

In their case, they want to wait for big clinical trials. And these randomized clinical trials have to be published in big journals. And that’s exactly what happened here. This, for example, is the latest government-run trial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

It involved just over 1,500 people in the U.S., and what they found was that ivermectin did not significantly improve the time to recovery in patients with mild to moderate COVID.

And if you take it as face value, you’d probably just end up agreeing with this headline:

“Study finds ivermectin has little effect.”

But if you actually dig into it, these big trials have a lot of problems.

Dr. Pierre Kory:

The other side will argue, ah, but these are the best trials … every single one of these has massive pharma ties and funding conflicts, they are all highly conflicted researchers who essentially make their living by working for or getting funding from pharma. And these are the people chosen to study a generic off-patent drug. I almost want to leave my argument there because it’s unassailable. You’re literally using pharmaceutical industry-employed investigators to study a competitor, which would destroy the entire business model in COVID.

For these companies, how you can possibly trust in the design or conduct of the trial in that setting. You would need to be extremely naive at this point. A naivete that I had a few years ago, after my journey through COVID.

My first question of any trial is looking at the investigators and their conflicts, and it will tell you everything about the result that was achieved.

Dan Skorbach:

As far as conflict of interest goes, this particular study had a lot to declare. The researchers were receiving funding from Gilead, which manufactures one of the few approved drugs for COVID treatment. They also received funding from Pfizer, which also has an FDA-approved COVID pill on the market. Merck and Regeneron were there too. These companies also have FDA-approved products for treating COVID. So basically, at the time of this clinical trial, these researchers were paid by pharmaceutical companies who are directly competing against ivermectin.

To Dr. Kory this was immediately a red flag. So he took a closer look at the data in the report.

Dr. Pierre Kory:

At every turn, [they] tried to use the lowest dose for the shortest duration, completely in departure compared to their favorite drugs. So when you look at drugs like Paxlovid and molnupiravir, they are given to the patients early, they give them for prolonged durations, you know, that’s how they try to show efficacy.

With these drugs, they do the exact opposite. It is so brazen, the manipulations that they’re doing to try to mitigate any evidence of efficacy. And despite all of those efforts, and this is where it gets really crazy. They make all of these manipulations to the trials, and yet ivermectin still has good data behind it. Like even in the trials, you’ll see high probabilities that it was effective, it doesn’t cross their statistical significance threshold. Some of the time it comes just under, which is on purpose. But I mean, you just have to do a little bit more than a casual look at these trials to see the brazen manipulations.

Dan Skorbach:

In terms of good data, the government trial on ivermectin showed that the drug was statistically effective in treating COVID on day seven and day 14. But on day 28, it was ineffective.

And the researchers decided to make this day as the day that measures whether ivermectin was effective or not.

But Dr. Kory said it is absurd to focus on day 28. Think about it, a viral infection lasts about two weeks at most. So by the fourth week, there’s usually no viral symptoms for ivermectin to improve because the person has recovered.

So, yes, in that case, you can say that ivermectin is ineffective at day 28. But that would be the case for any other drug that helped the patient recover.

But, regardless, this clinical trial is a federal verdict. It gives the FDA and the NIH the grounds to recommend against the use of ivermectin to treat COVID. And because these federal agencies are against it, so are the medical boards across the country.

And this puts some doctors at risk of losing their medical license if they do go against the system’s consensus.

Dr. Pierre Kory:

It’s one of the great sadnesses of my life. As I’m watching pharmaceutical industry corruption play out in front of my eyes every day now for a year and a half. I consider myself an expert now at looking at how big pharma manipulates the body of science. And because I’ve been forced to observe it, I didn’t know this. I didn’t know this. When I gave my testimony. I had no idea it would launch me on this journey over the next two years of endless censorship and false narratives, and propaganda manipulations of science. And it’s a sad state of affairs what public health is today. I see it as deeply and almost completely controlled by big pharma.

Dan Skorbach:

To give you another perspective. Here’s an infographic The Epoch Times put together on COVID-19 treatments in the U.S.

All the treatments that have been approved by the FDA come with an expensive price tag:

$3,000 for remdesivir. Up to $10,000 for plasma. $4,000, $2,000.

And the medication that is not authorized on average costs under $60.

Bottom line is that FDA-approved treatment is seventeen times more expensive than what’s already available.

And what’s more, ivermectin is a safe drug with a 35-year track record. Whereas many of these new drugs come with a big list of dangerous side effects.

So please, share this video with a friend. Because regular folks are being deprived of simple, effective, and safe medication that is saving lives.

This is Frontline Health. I’m Dan Skorbach. Stay healthy America.


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